

1. The effects of periodontal therapy on intracrevicular prostaglandin E2 concentrations and clinical parameters in pregnancy.
J Periodontol. 2002 Feb;73(2):173-7.
F. Yalcin, C. Basegmez, G. Isik, Lacin Berber, E. Eskinazi, M. Soydinc , H. Issever, U. Onan.

2. The effect of sociocultural status on periodontal conditions in pregnancy.
J Periodontol. 2002 Feb;73(2):178-82.
F. Yalcin, E. Eskinazi, M. Soydinc, C. Basegmez, H. Issever, G. Isik, Lacin Berber, R. Has, H. Sabuncu, U. Onan.

3. Peripheral giant cell granuloma combined with facial hemangioma. A case report.
J Int Academy of Periodontology 2005 October;7(4):108-114.
F. Yalcin, S. Yalcin, Lacin Berber, H. Gür.

4. Arteriovenous malformation of the mandible: A case report.
Quintessence Int 2007 September; 38 (8): 707.
O. Oral, F. Yalcin, O. Minareci, U. Baser, Lacin Berber, G. Isik, S. Yalcin.

5. Clinical and Biochemical Efficacy of Minocycline in Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study
The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2010
C. Basegmez , Lacin Berber , and F. Yalcin

Ulusal ve Uluslararası Sunumlar

1. Turkish Periodontology Association 34th Science Congress. April 29- May 2, 2004. Ankara, Turkey.

“The Analysis of clinical and biochemical results of the systematic Minocycline-HCL applications as an additional treatment on individuals who have chronic periodontitis” (Oral Presentation )

Berber L,Yalçın F

2. Europerio 4 Berlin, Germany. June 19-21, 2003.

“Periodontal therapy of a patient with arteriovenous malformation. A case Report.” (Poster Presentation)

L. Berber, O. Oral, U. Meriç et al.

Journal of Clinical PeriodontologySuppl. 4 Vol. 30 (386), 2003.

3.Europerio 4 Berlin, Germany. June 19-21, 2003.

“Atypical Papillon Lefevre syndrome: A case Report.” (Poster Presentation)

U. Baser, L. Berber, S. Yalcin, F. Yalcin.

Journal of Clinical PeriodontologySuppl. 4 Vol. 30 (382), 2003.

4. 80th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research, March 6-9, 2002. San Diego, CA., USA

“An evaluation of Minocycline-HCl in patients with chronic periodontitis” (Poster Presentation)

Lacin Berber, Funda Yalcin, Gülden Isık, Utku Onan, Hilmi Sabuncu

J Dent Res 2002: 81; 15675. 80th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research,

 March 6-92002. San Diego, CA., USA

“The clinical and socio-cultural evaluation of the menopause on periodontal condition” (Poster Presentation)

Ali Cekici, Lacin Berber, Cansu Basegmez, Funda Yalcin

J Dent Res 2002: 81; 29646. Turkish Periodontology Assn. 32nd Congress of Science. May 15-18, 2002. Bodrum, Turkey.

“Periodontal treatment in a patient with Arteriovenous malformation” A Case Report. (Oral Presentation)

Lacin Berber, FundaYalcin, Okhan Oral, Özenç Minareci, Gülden Isik,Utku Onan.

7. Turkish Periodontology Assn. 32nd Congress of Science. May 15-18, 2002. Bodrum, Turkey.

“Periodontal treatment in a patient with Aorta cortication” A case Report. (Poster Presantation).

Esti Dinar, Lacin Berber, Funda Yalcin, Gulden Isik, Utku Onan.

8. Europerio 3 Geneve, Switzerland. June 8-11, 2000.

“Facial Hemangioma combined with Gingival Reparative Granuloma” A Case Report (Poster Presentation)Lacin Berber, Serhat Yalcın, Serdar Yalcin, Mahtaban Soydinc, Cansu Basegmez, Esti Eskinazi, Yusuf Emes, Funda Yalcin, Gulden Isik, Utku Onan J Clin Periodontol 2000: 27 (Suppl. 2); 859. 78th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research, April 5-82000. Washington, DC-USA “Detection of implant crevicular fluid prostaglandinE2 concentrations for the assessment of periimplant health.” (Poster Presentation)
Serdar Yalcin, Funda Yalcin, Cansu Basegmez, Mahtaban Soydinc, Gülden Isik, Lacin Berber, Esti Eskinazi

J Dent Res 2000: 79; 88910. 78th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research, April 5-82000. Washington, DC-USA

“The influence of hormonal changes on the periodontal condition of pregnant women”.(Poster Presentation)

Mahtaban Soydinc, Esti Eskinazi,Lacin Berber,Funda Yalcin, Gülden Isik, Cansu Basegmez, Recep Has, Utku Onan

J Dent Res 2000: 79; 136311. 78th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research, April 5-82000. Washington, DC-USA

“The effects of periodontal therapy on intracrevicular prostoglandin E2 concentrations and clinical parameters in pregnancy”(Poster Presentation)

Cansu Basegmez, Lacin Berber, Mahtaban Soydinc, Gülden Isik, Funda Yalcin, Esti Eskinazi, Halit Erden, Utku Onan

J Dent Res 2000: 79; 136412. 78th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research, April 5-82000. Washington, DC-USA

“The effects of Metronidazole gel 25% on clinical parameters and gingival crevicular fluid prostoglandinE2 concentrations in periodontitis” (Poster Presentation)

Kaan Kirac, Utku Onan, Gülden Isik, Funda Yalcin, Korkud Demirel, Lacin Berber, Cansu Basegmez

J Dent Res 2000: 79; 344913. 78th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research, April 5-82000. Washington, DC-USA

“The effect of socio-cultural status on periodontal condition in pregnancy”(Poster Presentation)

Funda Yalcin, Mahtaban Soydinc, Cansu Basegmez, Gülden Isik, Lacin Berber, Esti Eskinazi, R. Has, Utku Onan

J Dent Res 2000: 79; 344814. Turkish Periodontogy Association 30th Science Congress Agust 27-2 September 2000. Antalya, Turkey.

“Papilla Reconstruction around teeth and implants”(Poster presentation)

Tosun Tosun, Funda Yalçın, Laçin Berber

15. Turkish Periodontology Association 29th Science Congress May 9-131999. Antalya, Turkey.

Idiopathic root resorption. A Case Report. (Poster Presentation)

M.Soydinc, L. Berber, F. Yalcin, F. Haznedaroğlu, G. Isik, C. Basegmez, E. Eskinazi, U. Onan

16. Turkish Periodontology Association 29th Science Congress May 9-131999. Antalya, Turkey.

Implant support treatment in a patient with advanced periodontitis. (Poster Presentation)

S. Yalcin, F. Yalcin,L. Berber, C. Basegmez, T. Tosun, G. Isik, U. Onan

17. Turkish Periodontology Association 28th Science Congress. May 20-221998. Ankara, Turkey

The effect of hormonal changes on gingival tissues of pregnant women. (Poster Presentation)

C. Basegmez, L. Berber, E. Ozkan, A. Eryilmaz, F. Yalcin, M.Soydinc, G.Isik, U.Onan

18. Turkish Periodontology Association 28th Science Congress. May 20-221998, Ankara, Turkey

Granulostic Sarcom. A Case Report. (Poster presentation)

M Soydinç, F Yalçın, T Atamer, U Onan, C Başeğmez, L. Berber

19. Turkish Periodontology Association 28th Science Congress. May 20-221998. Ankara, Turkey

Periodontal treatment in a patient with Von Boegart Hozay Sendrom. A Case Report. (Poster presentation)

L. Berber, F Yalçın, M Soydinç, C Başeğmez, U Onan

Dr.Med.Dent. Laçin BERBER
Dişeti Hastalıkları ve Cerrahisi Uzmanı